
Antiche scritture del Mediterraneo

Guida critica alle risorse elettroniche

Geroglifico egiziano

- (3150 a. C. - IV sec. d.C.)


  1. A.H. Gardiner (1915) The nature and development of the Egyptian Hieroglyphic writing in JEA N. 2 pp. 61-75 (EN)
  2. K. Sethe (1935) Das hieroglyphische Schriftsystem (DE)
  3. P. Kaplony (1966) Strukturprobleme der Hieroglyphenschrift in Chronique d'Égypte N. 41 pp. 60-99 (DE)
  4. W. Schenkel (1971) Zur Struktur der Hieroglyphenschrift in Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts, Abteilung kairo N. 27 pp. 85-98 (DE)
  5. P. Kaplony (1972) Die Prinzipien der Hieroglyphenschrift in Textes et langages de l'Égypte pharaonique Vol. I pp. 3-4 (DE)
  6. H.G. Fischer (1977) Egyptian Studies II: The Orientation of Hieroglyphs (EN)
  7. H.G. Fischer (1979) Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy The Metropolitan Museum of Art (en)
  8. R. Caminos - H.G. Fischer (1982) Ancient Egyptian Epigraphy and Paleography (en)
  9. F.A.J. Hoogendijk,S. van Gompel (2018) The materiality of texts from ancient Egypt: new approaches to the study of textual material from the early Pharaonic to the Late Antique period Leiden; Boston: Brill (EN)
  10. A. Bowman, C. Crowther (2020) The epigraphy of Ptolemaic Egypt Oxford: Oxford University Press (EN)
  11. V. Davies, D. Laboury (2020) The Oxford handbook of Egyptian epigraphy and palaeography New York: Oxford University Press (EN)