
Antiche scritture del Mediterraneo

Guida critica alle risorse elettroniche

Geroglifico cretese

- XVIII - XVII sec. a.C.


  1. Evans, Arthur (1909) Scripta Minoa I. The Hieroglyphic and Primitive Linear Classes Oxford (EN)
  2. Olivier, Jean-Pierre (1981) Les sceaux avec des signes hiéroglyphiques. Que lire ? Une question de définition in Studien zur minoischen und helladischen Glyptik. Beiträge zum 2. Marburger Siegel-Symposium 26.-30. September 1978 Berlin pp. 105-115 (FR)
  3. Olivier, Jean-Pierre (1990) The Relationship between Inscriptions on Hieroglyphic Seals and Those Written on Archival Documents in Aegean Seals, Sealings and Administration. Proceedings of the NEH-Dickson Conference of the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory of the Department of Classics, University of Texas at Austin , January 11-13, 1989 Liège pp. 11-24 (EN)
  4. Olivier, Jean-Pierre (1995) Les sceaux avec des signes hiéroglyphiques. Que lire ? Une question de bon sens in Sceaux minoens et mycéniens. IVe symposium international 10-12 septembre 1992, Clermont-Ferrand Berlin pp. 169-181 (FR)
  5. Olivier, Jean-Pierre - Godart, Louis (1996) Corpus Hieroglyphicarum Inscriptionum Cretae Paris (FR)
  6. Tsipopoulou, Metaxia (1996) A New Hieroglyphic Archive from Petras, Siteia in Kadmos N. 35 pp. 164-167 (EN)
  7. Godart, Louis (1999) L'écriture d'Archanès: hiéroglyphique ou linéaire A? in MELETEMATA: Studies in aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year Liège – Austin pp. 299-302 (fr)
  8. Karnava, Artemis (2000) The Cretan Hieroglyphic script of the second millennium BC: description, analysis, function and decipherment perspectives PhD Dissertation - Université de Bruxelles (unpublished) (EN)
  9. Olivier, Jean-Pierre (2000) Les sceaux avec des inscriptions hiéroglyphiques. Comment comprendre? in Administrative Documents in the Aegean and their Near Eastern Counterparts. Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Naples, February 29-March 2, 1996 Napoli pp. 141-170 (FR)
  10. Godart, Louis (2001) L'invenzione della scrittura: dal Nilo alla Grecia Torino pp. 133-147 (IT)
  11. Karnava, Artemis (2001) Fractions and Measurement Units in the Cretan Hieroglyphic Script in Manufacture and Measurement. Counting, Measuring, and Recording Craft Items in Early Aegean Societies Athens pp. 45-51 (EN)
  12. Jasink, Anna Margherita (2009) Cretan Hieroglyphic Seals: A New Classification of Symbols and Ornamental / Filling Motifs Pisa-Roma (en)
  13. Olivier, Jean-Pierre (2010) Les sceaux et scellés inscrits en 'Hiéroglyphique' Crétois, en Linéaire A et en Linéaire B en Crète et en Grèce continentale, en Chypro-Minoen et dans les Syllabaires du Ier millénaire à chypre: un bilan in Die Bedeutung der minoischen und mykenischen Glyptik: VI. Internationales Siegel-Symposium aus Anlass des 50 jährigen Bestehens des CMS, Marburg, 9.-12. Oktober 2008 Mainz am Rhein pp. 287-295 (fr)
  14. Tsipopoulou Metaxia & Hallager Erik (2010) The hieroglyhic archive at Petras, Sieia Danish Institute at Athens (EN)
  15. Perna, Massimo (2014) The Birth of Administration and Writing in Minoan Crete: Some Thoughts on Cretan Hieroglyphic and Linear A in KE-RA-ME-JA. Studies Presented to Cynthia Shelmerdine, Philadelphia pp. 251-259 (EN) • Karnava, Artemis Philadelphia pp. 251-259 (en)
  16. Civitillo, Matilde (2016) La scrittura geroglifica minoica sui sigilli: Il messaggio della glittica protopalaziale Pisa-Roma (it)
  17. Karnava, Artemis (2016) La scrittura “geroglifica” cretese in Manuale di epigrafia micenea. Introduzione allo studio dei testi in lineare B Padova pp. 63-86 (it)
  18. Steele, Philippa M. ed. (2017) Understanding Relations Between Scripts: The Aegean Writing Systems Oxford (en)
  19. Perna, Massimo (2019) A seal in the British Museum with a Cretan Hieroglyphic inscription (CR (?) S (1/1) 07) in Kadmos N. 58 pp. 49-59 (en)