
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources

Cuneiform Hittite

- 1570 B.C. - 1200 B.C. (ca.)

Online resources

Online documents

  1. Hethitologie Portal Mainz
    Portal for accessing resources and databases on the Hittite language. The link to the Textcorpora database, in which transliteration and translation for different typologies of texts are included, is particularly relevant.

Institutions, centers for study and research

  1. Oriental Institute. The Chicago Hittite Dictionary Project
    The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago started the project of publication of the Chicago Hittite Dictionary in 1975 under the direction of Hans Gustav Güterbock and Harry A. Hoffner, Jr. At the moment the letters L,M,N, P are completed and the Š letter is in publication. From this page it is possible to have access to e-CHD, which offers faster research and consultations of lemmas and sources.
  2. Hittite Epigraphic Finds in the Ancient Near East
    Website with an interactive map of the sites where Hittite texts, seals and inscribed objects were discovered.
  3. eDiAna
    The Digital Philological-Etymological Dictionary of the Minor Anatolian Corpus Languages.
    It provides the first exhaustive lexical analysis of the entire corpus of the lesser attested ancient Anatolian languages, i.e., Luwian (cuneiform and hieroglyphic), Lycian (A and B), Carian, Lydian, Palaic, Sidetic, and Pisidian.

Academic materials

  1. Glottotheque: Ancient Indo-european Grammar on-line. Hittite
    The page offers an excellent introduction to the Hittite language, its grammar and the basics of cuneiform writing.


  1. Dick Hosseman, Turkey Pictures
    The site presents photos of the most important Hittite archaeological areas and of the artefacts kept in the museums of Ankara and Istanbul.


  1. Unicode Fonts and Keybords. Hethitologie Portal Mainz
    From this link there is access to a page from which it is possible to save a Unicode font, Semiramis. It contains all the special characters conventionally used for the transliteration of Hittite (and Mesopotamian) cuneiform signs. The font is free and can be saved on any computer (Fontpackage SemiramisUnicode [SemUni38x]).

Collections of texts and digital libraries

  1. Silvin Košak, Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln, On-Line Datenbank
    This is an essential work instrument for a rapid and direct access to the classification of Hittite texts. For many texts it is possible to see the photography, the join drawing (if present) and the hand-copy. For each fragment the date, the archaeological find spot, if known, and the most recent bibliography are given. The Konkordanz is constantly updated by its author.
  2. Rituale (Rituals)
    The database is edited by the Institut für Ägyptologie und Altorientalistik of the Gutenberg Univerität of Mainz. The purpose of this database is to present Hittite ritual texts in transliteration, transcription and translation.
  3. Catalogue des Textes Hittites
    This is the on-line update of E. Laroche's Catalogue des Textes Hittites published in 1971, directly connected to the Konkordanz on-line of Silvin Košak. The catalogue groups the texts on the basis of their content assigning an identification number to every group. The on-line edition allows constant updates of the single compositions and aggregations of texts
  4. Gebete
    The site has been developed by the Philipps Universitäat in Marburg and presents Hittite prayers in transliteration, transcription and translation.
  5. Mythen
    The site has been developed by the Philipps Universitäat in Marburg and presents Hittite myths in transliteration, transcription and translation.
  6. Staatsverträge der Hethiter
    The site has been developed by the Akademie der Wissenscheften und der Literatur – Mainz and presents Hittite political treaties in transliteration and translation.
  7. Hittite Epigraphic Finds in the Ancient Near East
    The site has been developed with the purpose of creating a general geographic map of the epigraphic findings belonging to the Hittite Kingdom (texts, seals, and inscribed objects).


  1. Massimiliano Marazzi, Natalia Bolatti Guzzo con la collaborazione di Rita Francia e Paola Dardano, Kritische Bibliographie der Lexikographie des hethitischen
    This database offers an updated critical bibliography of Hittite cuneiform lexicography.
  2. Massimiliano Marazzi, con la collaborazione di Natalia Bolatti Guzzo e Andrea Intilia, Hethitische Bibliographie
    This project at the Centre for the Pre-classical Mediterranean of the University Suor Orsola Benincasa of Naples has the scope to give a constantly updated Hittitological bibliography, arranged by author. At the moment the bibliography starts with the scientific production of 1980. Research can also be done choosing the topic, the date of publication and the publication series.
  3. Hethitische Bibliographie
    Bibliographic database of Hittite studies.