Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean
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Old Nubian
/ Online resources
Old Nubian
- 8th-15th cent A.D.
Online resources
Web sites of general interest
Online documents
Institutions, centers for study and research
Academic materials
Web sites of general interest
Medieval Nubia Wiki
A site maintained by several scholars in the field, with pages devoted to different aspects of Christian Nubia, both from a historical-archaeological (sites, toponyms, prosopography) and a philological perspective (texts in Greek, Coptic, ancient Nubian, Arabic).
Online documents
Old Nubian Burial Shrouds - Anarchist Nubiology Squad (Vincent van Gerven Oei)
Three videos devoted to the philological work on some shrouds with inscriptions from Gebel Adda and Qasr Ibrim in Egyptian Nubia.
Sonqi Tino Church Inscriptions - Anarchist Nubiology Squad (Vincent van Gerven Oei)
Three videos devoted to the philological work on some ancient Nubian inscriptions from the church of Sonqi Tino in Sudan.
Old Nubian Inscriptions from Old Dongola - Anarchist Nubiology Squad (Vincent van Gerven Oei)
Four videos on the philological research in Old Dongola.
Welcome to the Database of Medieval Nubian Texts (DBMNT)
The database, edited by Grzegorz Ochała of the University of Warsaw, is the result of a ten-year work on medieval Nubian texts and contains 2942 very detailed entries, with photographs, technical data, concordances, chronology and bibliography where possible.
Old Nubian - Trismegistos Language
Trismegistos has now established itself as the portal par excellence regarding ancient scriptures. The ancient Nubian page includes some statistics and information about the texts in the database, which can be accessed only through paid membership.
Institutions, centers for study and research
Medieval Sai Project
Blog edited by Alexandros Tsakos of the University of Bergen and devoted to medieval Nubia and in particular to the excavation mission on Sai Island near the Third Cataract of the Nile in Sudan. There are several articles devoted to texts written in the different languages in use in Nubia.
Union for Nubian Studies - Projects
The Union for Nubian Studies brings together some of the most prominent scholars in the field of ancient and medieval Nubia, organizes events and promotes research projects. Here is the page to the different projects.
Academic materials
How to read Old Nubian? - Les conférences de l'Ifao
Recording of a lecture given by Vincent van Gerven Oei at IFAO in Cairo with the topic of ancient Nubian texts.
Old Nubian Crash Course – Day 1: History and Writing System
First in a series of five online lectures given by Vincent van Gerven Oei for NubiaFEST 2020 with ancient Nubian as the theme. The first lecture deals with the history and writing system of ancient Nubian, the other four with the language (and can be found in the language section of Mnamon).
BROWNE, G.M., Griffith's old Nubian lectionary, 1982
Many documents came to light as a result of the UNESCO campaign that sought to record ancient remains in Nubia before it was flooded by the waters of Lake Nasser. These allowed Gerald Browne to write a new grammar and dictionary, as well as devote himself to the reissue of this lectionary.
GRIFFITH, F.LL., The Nubian Texts of the Christian Period, 1913
The first grammar of Ancient Nubian, written by the indefatigable Francis Lloyd Griffith, who was at the same time working on deciphering the Meroitic.
Sudan Archaeological Society - ISSUU
ISSUU page of the Sudan Archaeological Society in London, where digital versions of the Bulletin (1991-1996) and the Sudan & Nubia magazine (1997-2015) can be found.
VAN GERVEN OEI, V., Old Nubian
Page on ancient Nubian published by Vincent van Gerven Oei in Humanities Common.
Sawarda Nubian
Series of typefaces created by Hatim-Arbaab Eujayl.
Nubian Tutorials - Anarchist Nubiology Squad (Vincent van Gerven Oei)
A series of seven tutorials (some in English and some in Arabic) on the writing and characters of ancient Nubian by Anarchist Nubiology Squad aka Vincent van Gerven Oei, who is responsible for many initiatives to study and disseminate ancient Nubian: How to write the Nubian alphabet; طريقة كتابة بالحروف النوبية على الكمبيوتر (ويندوز); How to type Nubian (Windows); طريقة كتابة بالحروف النوبية على الكمبيوتر (ماك او إس); How to type Nubian (macOS); طريقة تطبيق لوحة مفاتيح نوبية على الايفون; How to install a Nubian keyboard on your iPhone.
Making a Unicode Font for the Nubian Language Revitalization Movement
Japanese linguist So Miyagawa interviews Hatim Eujayl, creator of the Sawarda Nubian font.
Vincent van Gerven Oei
Personal page of Nubian scholar, philologist and publisher Vincent van Gerven Oei, founder of the Union for Nubian Studies, which coordinates several projects and organizes the annual NubiaFEST.
Giovanni Ruffini - Fairfield University page of scholar Giovanni Ruffini.
Alexandros Tsakos - Universitetet i Bergen page of scholar Alexandros Tsakos.
Henriette Hafsaas - University College Volda page of scholar Henriette Hafsaas.
Grzegorz Ochała - Uniwersytet Warszawski page of scholar Grzegorz Ochała.
A Guide to the Texts of Medieval Nubia - Medieval Nubia
Proposal for standard citations of texts from medieval Nubia by Grzegorz Ochała and Giovanni Ruffini.