
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources

Celtic, Celtiberian

- 2nd - 1st c. B.C.

Online resources

Web sites of general interest

  1. Celtiberia histórica
    Very complete and well documented website about Celtiberians.
  2. Ruta celtibérica
    This website offers routes and informations about Celtiberian archaeological sites and museums in various provinces of Northern Spain (PDF document downloadable).

Online documents

  1. Celtiberian inscriptions (on tesserae and stone) - D. Stifter
    This downloadable file presents many celtiberian inscriptions (including those published after the release of MLH). First, D. Stifter presents all the tesserae hospitalis known (till 2012) with photography/drawing, transcription and traduction. Then, he presents in the same way all stone inscriptions.
  2. Celtiberian inscriptions (bronze, instrumentum and other materials) - D. Stifter
    This downloadable file prepared by D. Stifter explains many Celtiberian inscriptions on bronze, ceramic and other materials with photography/drawing and transcription.

Study and research centers

  1. Grupo Hiberus
    Study group from the University of Zaragoza (Spain) dedicated mainly to two domains: 1) ideology, power and political matters; 2) contacts in ancient western Europe.

Academic materials

  1. An outline of Celtiberian Grammar
    This paper attempts to give a short outline of Celtiberian grammar in a diachronic perspective. It aims to be a summary for quick information and didactic purposes, rather than a novel approach to specific questions.
  2. Introduction to the Celtiberian history and language (D. Stifter)
    This downloadable file attempts to give a short outline of Celtiberian grammar in a diachronic perspective. It aims to be a summary for quick information and didactic purposes, rather than a novel approach to specific questions. It was written by Dagmar Wodtko who edited the MLH V, which is the first Celtiberian dictionary based on all the inscriptions known until 2000. 


  1. Celtibérico
    Beltrán Lloris, F., Jordán Cólera, C., « Celtibérico », Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua, n° 20, mai 2020, p. 631-688.

Museums and collections

  1. Segeda ciudad celtibérica
    Presentation of Celtiberian culture based on the example of the archaeological site of Segeda.


  1. Palaeohispánica - Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua
    This journal offers many articles each year about languages and cultures from the ancient Iberian peninsula, and quite often on Celtiberian languages and scripts. (Downloadable by article and also fully downloadable since 2005).
  2. E-Keltoi (n°6) : The Celts in the Iberian Peninsula
    The online journal e-Keltoi (University of Milwaukee) dedicated an entire issue to Celts from Spain. This journal also offers many articles (downloadable) on Celtic studies.
  3. Grupo Hiberus - Biblioteca digital
    Digital library form the Hiberus group, providing links to articles mostly about Celtiberian culture and civilization.
  4. Celtibérico. Lengua | Escritura | Epigrafía
    A short presentation of the Celtiberian writing system, language and epigraphy derived from the project COST AELAW (Ancient European Languages and Writings). It can be purchased from Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.