
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources

Celtic, Lepontic

- About 6th – 1st century B.C.

Online resources

Web sites of general interest

  1. L'arbre celtique
    This online encyclopaedia is dedicated to ancient Celtic civilisation from a historical and scientific point of view. It contains a great deal of documentation on Celtic epigraphy, writing systems and languages, as well as many reproductions, transcriptions and translations of the inscriptions themselves.
  2. Lepontic language - Wikipedia
    English Wikipedia page devoted to Lepontic. It is a comprehensive page which includes a map, a list of the signs of the Lugano alphabet, an example of inscription as well as some insights and a bibliography.

Academic materials

  1. Historical overview
    Historical overview around the Lepontic and Gaulish Cisalpine languages, within the framework of the Lexicon Leponticum project.
  2. Archaeological overview

  3. The Cisalpine Celtic languages
    Definitions of Lepontico and Cisalpine Gaulish, within the Lexicon Leponticum project, with sections on linguistics, chronological and geographical aspects and maps with the distribution of inscriptions.
  4. Lepontic and Cisalpine Gaulish
    It is one of the pdf files by Prof. Stifter of the University of Maynooth, focusing on Lepontic and Gaulish Cisalpine. This is a 2012 updated version including maps, inscriptions with transcriptions, and a rich bibliography. These files were created to supplement the lectures held by Prof. Stifter.


  1. The Linguistic Position of Lepontic
    Eska 1998, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Special Session on Indo-European Subgrouping and Internal Relations (1998), pp. 2-11
  2. Lepontic, Celtiberian, Gaulish and the archaeological evidence
    De Hoz 1992, in: Études Celtiques, vol. 29, 1992. Actes du IXe congrès international d'études celtiques. Paris, 7-12 juillet 1991. Deuxième partie : Linguistique, littératures. pp. 223-240.
  3. Vues présentes sur le celtique cisalpin
    Motta 1992, in: Études Celtiques, vol. 29, 1992. Actes du IXe congrès international d'études celtiques. Paris, 7-12 juillet 1991. Deuxième partie : Linguistique, littératures. pp. 311-318.
  4. Cisalpine Celtic
    David Stifter's article on the state of knowledge regarding the corpus of Celtic inscriptions and the research perspectives, within the framework of the Chronologicon Hibernicum project. In pdf.

Museums and collections

  1. Museo Archeologico di Villa Mirabello
    Webpage of the Museo Archeologico di Villa Mirabello (Varese). The museum houses many inscriptions in Cisalpin Celtic, including the Lepontic inscription VA·6 Vergiate.
  2. Museo del Paesaggio (Verbania Pallanza)
    Website of the Museo del Paesaggio (Verbania Pallanza). The museum houses many Cisalpin Celtic inscribed objects, including the Lepontic inscription VB·3 Ornavasso.
  3. Museo Archeologico «Paolo Giovio»
    Webpage of the Museo Archeologico « Paolo Giovio » (Como). The museum houses inscription CO·48 Prestino.

Collections of texts and digital libraries

  1. Iscrizioni leponzie e galliche
    Section of Adolfo Zavaroni's site on the inscriptions of Northern Italy, devoted to the Lepontic and Gaulish Cisalpine testimonies. It contains the corpus of texts accompanied by transcription and, where possible, information regarding dating and type of support.
  2. Lexicon Leponticum (LexLep)
    Lexicon Leponticum is a digital edition of Cisalpine Celtic inscriptions, including Lepontic. The site hosts a multimedia lexicon and an etymological dictionary of the words attested in Cisalpine Gaulish and Lepontic.