
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources


- 6th century B.C. – 1st century B.C.

Online resources

Web sites of general interest

  1. Website of Ancient North Italic Inscriptions
    Website of Ancient North Italic Inscriptions: interesting transcriptions of Venetic texts, pictures and drawings of epigraphic documents.
  2. Website of Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia: ‘Venetic language'
    The Free Encyclopedia - ‘Venetic language’: a brief description of Venetic language, some references to scholars’ studies and a discussion of the problems related to Venetic’s position in relation to Indo-European languages. The transcriptions of epigraphic documents reported are not completely trustworthy.

Online documents

  1. Video on the website 'YouTube' on the Venetic inscription on the 'stone-slab from Mondeval'
    Venetic inscription on the 'stone-slab from Mondeval' presented by prof. Anna Marinetti (filming and editing by Giuseppe Vilardo)

Study and research centers

  1. Website of Laboratorio di Epigrafia dell'Italia antica - Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia/Pre-Roman Epigraphy Laboratory (University Ca’ Foscari, Venice).
    Pre-Roman Epigraphy Laboratory (University Ca' Foscari, Venice, Director: Prof. Anna Marinetti) focused on the languages of Pre-Roman Italy, promotes research and study on the major domains of pre-Roman inscriptions with particular interest in the study of pre-Roman Venetic inscriptions. There is also a brief review of the initiatives related to the study of Venetic epigraphic finds and language.

Academic materials

  1. Venetic – Katherine McDonald
    Blog papers on Venetic inscriptions, on demand seminars on Venetic and various presentations of the Venetic corpus, by Katherine McDonald, Assistant Professor in Classics (Roman History), University of Durham.
  2. Reitia, Venetic goddess of writing
    Educational page with photos devoted to the Venetic goddess Reitia, within the project CREWS (Contexts of and Relations between Early Writing Systems).


  1. Education and literacy in ancient Italy: Evidence from the dedications to the goddess Reitia
    PDF of the article by Katherine McDonald on the votive dedications to the goddess Reitia inscribed with Venetic dedicatory formulae.
  2. The dedications to Reitia and the epigraphic visibility of women in Este and the Veneto
    The dedications to Reitia and the epigraphic visibility of women in Este and the Veneto in M. J. Estarán Tolosa, E. Dupraz, M. Aberson (eds.), Des mots pour les Dieux. Dédicaces cultuelles dans les langues indigènes de la Méditerranée occidentales, EGeA (Études genevoises sur l’Antiquité) de l’Université de Genève 8, Berne: Peter Lang, 79-96. Article by Katherine McDonald on the representation of women in the dedications in Venetic to the goddess Reitia, downloadable in PDF (full work)
  3. Venetico
    Marinetti, A. 2020. «Venetico», Palaeohispanica 20: 367-401
  4. Culti nel Veneto preromano, tra autonomia e influssi esterni: la prospettiva delle iscrizioni
    Anna Marinetti, Culti nel Veneto preromano, tra autonomia e influssi esterni: la prospettiva delle iscrizioni, in Sacrum facere. Atti del II Seminario di Archeologia del Sacro. Contaminazioni: forme di contatto, traduzione e mediazione nei sacra del mondo greco e romano. Trieste, 19-20 aprile 2013, a cura di Federica Fontana, Emanuela Murgia, Eut, Trieste, pp. 2014, 33-54

Museums and collections

  1. Museo Naturalistico-Archeologico di Vicenza/ Naturalistic-Archaeological Civic Museum of Vicenza.
    Website of the Naturalistic-Archeological Civic Museum of Vicenza (Museo Naturalistico-Archeologico di Vicenza): information about the history and the collections of the Museum.
  2. Museo Archeologico Cadorino – Magnifica Comunità di Cadore
    Archeological Museum of Cadore with information about the collection, its history and related cultural events.
  3. Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Altino/National Archaeological Museum of Altino.
    National Archeological Museum of Altino with information about the collection, its history and related cultural events.
  4. Musei Civici degli Eremitani di Padova - Museo Archeologico/ Civic Archaeological ‘Eremitani’ Museum of Padua.
    Civic Archeological Museum ‘Eremitani’ of Padua with information about the collection, its history and related cultural events.
  5. Museo Archeologico Nazionale Atestino/National Archaeological Museum of Este.
    National Archaeological Museum of Este with information about the collection, its history and related cultural events.


  1. Website of the Regione del Veneto - ArcheoVeneto il portale per conoscere l'archeologia del Veneto/Veneto Region - ArcheoVeneto portal
    Website of the Veneto Region - ArcheoVeneto: a portal full of information about the archeology research in modern Veneto aimed at enhancing the archaeological heritage of the different sites of area. Full of useful information for the contextualization of Venetic epigraphic documents.
  2. Website of Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l’area metropolitana di Venezia e le province di Βelluno, Padova e Treviso /Superintendence for the Archaeological Heritage of Venezia, Βelluno, Padova, Treviso.
    Website of the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l’area metropolitana di Venezia e le province di Βelluno, Padova e Treviso with information about the collections, museums, archaeological sites and cultural initiatives promoted in the area.