
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources


- 7th-2nd century B.C.

Online resources

Web sites of general interest

  1. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writing Systems
    Note describing the Faliscan writing system on the web-encyclopedia of the publisher Blackwell dedicated to world writing systems. In order to browse the website extensively, it is necessary to sign up and pay a fee.
  2. Summa Gallicana
    English and Italian page dedicated to Faliscan, in the framework of a heterogeneous encyclopedic lexicon edited by Elio Corti. Notes and texts come mostly from Wikipedia: the Faliscan language is dealt with in a short paragraph with some broad indications.
  3. Promotora Española de Lingüística (Proel) - Lengua falisca
    Institutional web-gate of the Spanish ministry, acknowledged by the Ministerio del Interior, dedicated to information on languages and writing systems from antiquity to the modern age. The section devoted to the Faliscan language contains a very short note and some alphabetic tables with comparison to further writing systems of the ancient Mediterranean and pre-Roman Italy, as well as an introductory page on the language.
  4. Víteliú - Le Lingue Dell' Italia Antica
    Site dedicated to the knowledge of pre-Roman languages in Italy, in Italian and English, divided into different sections that briefly present the main linguistic groups known from epigraphy. As regards the Faliscan language, only the transcriptions of two recent inscriptions from S. Maria di Falleri are on display.
  5. Omniglot - Old Italic Alphabets
    Online encyclopedia of writing systems and languages: the page is devoted to the alphabets of ancient Italy, among which the Faliscan alphabet, with very short comments and some errors in transcription and attribution of letters.
  6. Wikipedia - Faliscan Language
    Relatively detailed page of the English Wikipedia on the Faliscan language, with some hints to epigraphic and phonetic issues; there are no references to alphabet or writing. The corresponding, less comprehensive, Italian page can be found at the address:
  7. Faliscan Language (
    Very short file on the Faliscan language as part of a general collection of open data, translated in the major European languages.
  8. Lengua falisca (
    Introductory page in Spanish devoted to the Faliscan language, with a bibliography updated to 2020.
  9. Encyclopedia Britannica
    Short encyclopedic entry dedicated to Faliscan.
  10. Die faliskanische Sprache (Wikide)
    Informative page on the Faliscan language taken from an old version of a German Wikipedia page. Another similar excerpt from Wikipedia can be found at:

Institutions, centers for study and research

  1. The linguist list - The Faliscan Language
    Note on the Faliscan language in the framework of a broad database on the languages of the world (ODIN: Online Database of INterlinear Text) edited by Eastern Michigan University.


  1. G. Bakkum, The Latin Dialect of Ager Faliscus
    The digital version of the extremely useful volume by Gabriel Bakkum (1999) is partially available online in the website of Google books, allowing the user to read most of the text.
  2. W.D.C. De Melo, Faliscan: The Alphabet
    Open access PDF of a paper by Wolfgang De Melo, Post-Doctoral Fellow of the All Souls College at Oxford: the paper is dedicated to the Faliscan alphabet and its relationship with the Etruscan and Latin alphabets.
  3. Engelbert Schneider, Dialectorum Italicarum aevi vetustioris exempla selecta, vol. I. Dialecti Latinae priscae et faliscae exempla selecta

  4. Palaeohispanica
    Open-access online publication of the proceedings of the international congress Lenguas y culturas epigráficas paleoeuropeas. Retos y perspectivas de estudio (Rome, March 13-15, 2019): the Faliscan language and writing system are treated in the essays by Luca Rigobianco (299-333) and Daniele F. Maras (923-968).
    Collection of titles and publications on the Faliscans, their language and writing system, in many cases accessible to registered users of the site: registration is free and the collection is progressively updated by new contributions from scholars registered on the portal. Research on other related topics is available as needed.


  1. Civita Castellana - i Falisci
    Page of the institutional website of the municipality of Civita Castellana, dedicated to a presentation of the Faliscans. The note by Raniero Pedica includes a section on the language and literature, based mostly on Classical literary sources.


  1. BiblioToscana
    Collection of titles and publications on the Faliscan language for the users of the libraries in Tuscany.