
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources


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  1. 2011-12-06

    Mnamon seminars

    On December 9th starting at 11 a.m. in Scuola Normale Superiore, Bianchi-scienze conference room, Palazzo Carovana, two seminars will be held:

    Lameen Souag (SOAS, University of London)"Re-examining Libyco-Berber: how much do we know, and how does it fit into the family's subclassification?" at 11 a.m.

    Giulia Torri (University of Florence)"Written Sources in Hurrian Language between Third and Second Millennium BC in the Ancient Near East" at 12 p.m.
  2. 2011-12-05

    Mnamon update

    The following writing-systems are online: Hurrian edited by Giulia Torri, Libyco-Berber edited by Lameen Souag, Messapic edited by Simona Marchesini and Oscan edited by Alessia Ventriglia. A photo gallery has been added to the Greek alphabets section.
  3. 2011-11-17

    Faculty of Arts seminar

    On November 18th at 5 p.m. in Scuola Normale Superiore, Contini Conference Room, Collegio Fermi, a seminar will be held by Maria Giulia Amadasi (Università di Roma "La Sapienza"). The title of the seminar is: "Phoenician elements in Idalion".
  4. 2011-11-02


    The XXVIII Convegno di Studi Etruschi ed Italici entitled: "Corsica and Populonia" was held in Bastìa in Corsica (Salle des délibérations du Conseil Général) and in Piombino (LI) (Albergo Centrale) on October 25-29 2011.
    Program available on the site of the Institute of Etruscan and Italian Studies in Florence.
  5. 2011-09-21


    19th International Meeting on History and Archeology in Etruria
    The Fanum Voltumnae and the community sanctuaries in Ancient Italy,
    Orvieto, Palazzo dei Congressi December 16th-18th 2011
    On the opening day the new volume of the acts of 18th Workshop will be presented. The title is "The luck of the Etruscans in the construction of a United Italy".
  6. 2011-09-21


    The 3rd International Workshop of the Institute of Research and Documentation on Ancient Umbrians will be held at University of Perugia and Palazzo Pretorio in Gubbio:
    "Types and structures of religion in Ancient Central Italy" September 21st-25th 2011
    Program available here.
  7. 2011-08-31


    "Prehistory of writing, writing in the prehistory: the origin of the writing system in Egypt and Mesopotamia."
    The Egyptological Association Khentyimentyu organizes a conference held by Rita Di Maria, Naples National Archaeological Museum, president of AIPEAVN and member of the Italian Archaeological Mission at Naqada, Upper Egypt.
    September 16th, 2011 6 p.m.
    Istituto S. Teresa
    Sala Pio X
    Via Emilia 233
  8. 2011-05-05

    The Cretan "hieroglyphic" archive at Petras (Crete) has been published

    The Cretan "hieroglyphic" archive brought to light at Petras between 1996 and 1997 and dating back to the Middle Minoan IIA (about 1700 B.C.) has been published by M. Tsipopoulou and E. Hallager in the Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens series. The volume includes an analysis of the archeological context, the catalog of the documents and an interpretative essay about the functioning of the archive.
    (M. Del Freo)
  9. 2011-05-05

    Linear B tablet unearthed at Iklaina (Messenia)

    A fragment of a Linear B tablet has been unearthed at Iklaina-Traghanes (Messenia). The site, excavated since 2006 by an archeological mission of the University of Missouri St. Louis, is located 4 km south of Nestor's palace and can be identified with one of the nine chief towns of the so called Hither Province of the Mycenaean kingdom of Pylos. The fragment was found in a pit with pottery datable to between Late Helladic IIB and Late Helladic IIIA2 early (about 1430-1350 A.D.). More details about the context can be found in the excavation report for 2010.A brief comment on the tablet has been published in the mailing list "AegeaNet".
    (M.Del Freo)
  10. 2011-04-11

    Mnamon seminar

    On April 19th at 11.30 a.m. in Scuola Normale Superiore, Fermi Conference Room, Collegio Fermi, a seminar will be held by Daniele Salvoldi (Accademia dei Lincei - British Academy Fellowship 2011). The title of the seminar is : "Egyptian hieroglyph inscriptions from lost monuments in 19th century copies: Alessandro Ricci".
    Live video streaming will be available via starting at 11.30 a.m.

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