
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources


- 9th-6th century BC


  1. N. Avigad (1970) Moabite and Ammonite Seals in Near Eastern Archaeology in the Twentieth Century. Essays in Honour of Nelson Glueck Garden City pp. 284-295 (en)
  2. G. Garbini (1974) Ammonite Inscriptions in Journal of Semitic Studies N. 19/2 pp. 159-168 (en)
  3. D. Pardee (1979) Literary Sources for the History of Palestine and Syria II: Hebrew, Moabite, Ammonite and Edomite Inscriptions in Andrews University Seminary Studies N. 17 pp. 47-70 (en)
  4. N.D. Williams (1980) A Catalogue and Bibliography of Moabite, Ammonite and Edomite Inscriptions Dallas Theological Seminary (en)
  5. W.E. Aufrecht (1983) A Bibliography of Ammonite Inscriptions University of Toronto (en)
  6. F. Israel (1987) Les sceaux ammonites in Syria N. 64 pp. 141-146 (fr)
  7. W.E. Aufrecht (1989) A Corpus of Ammonite Inscriptions Edwin Mellen Press (en)
  8. F. Israel (1991) Note ammonite, III. Problemi di epigrafia sigillare ammonita in Phoinikeia Grammata: lire et écrire en Méditerranée. Actes du Colloque de Liège 15-18 nov. 1989 Société des études classiques pp. 215-219 (it)
  9. F. Israel (1997) Ammonite Inscriptions in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East Oxford University Press Vol. 1 pp. 105-107 (en)
  10. Benjamin Sass (2005) The Alphabet at the Turn of the Millennium: The West Semitic Alphabet ca. 1150-850 BCE : the Antiquity of the Arabian, Greek and Phrygian Alphabets Tel Aviv (EN)
  11. G. Garbini (2006) Introduzione all'epigrafia semitica Paideia pp. 105-107 (it)
  12. F.M. Cross (2009) Ammonite Ostraca from Tell Hesban in Small Finds: Studies of Bone, Iron, Glass, Figurines, and Stone Objects from Tell Hesban and Vicinity Andrews University Press (en)
  13. Kenton L. Sparks (2017) Ancient Texts for the Study of the Hebrew Bible Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, MI; "Other West Semitic Inscriptions": pp. 463-476 (EN)