
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources

Celtic, Lepontic

- About 6th – 1st century B.C.

List of symbols

Comparative table of North-Italic alphabets (Morandi 2004)


Tableau comparatif des alphabets nord-italiques

Source : Lexicon Leponticum (



The two phase of development of the Lepontic alphabet. On the left : from 6th century to the first half of 4th century B.C., on the right : from the end of the 4th century to the 1st century A.D.  (Motta 2000 ; drawing : De Marinis)


Les deux phases de l’alphabet lépontique

Source : Lexicon Leponticum (



The Lepontic alphabet and its transliteration (Stifter 2020)


l’alphabet lépontique avec translittération

Source : Palaeohispanica : revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua, 20