
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources


- 10th cent. B.C. - today


  1. E. Sachau (1911) Aramaeische Papyrus und Ostraka Vol. I-II (de)
  2. Th. Noeldeke (1939) Die aramaistische Forschung seit Th. Noeldeke's Veroeffentlichungen (de)
  3. W.B. Henning (1952) 'The monuments and Inscriptions of Tang-i Sarvak' in Asia Major Vol. II pp. 151-178 (en)
  4. H. Donner, W. Roellig (1969-1973) Kanaanaeische und Aramaeische Inschriften Vol. I-III (de)
  5. J. Naveh (1970) The development of the Aramaic Script (en)
  6. J.C.L. Gibson (1971-1982) Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions Vol. I-III (en)
  7. F. Rosenthal (1974) A Grammar of Biblical Aramaic (en)
  8. G. Garbini (1979) Storia e problemi dell'epigrafia semitica (it)
  9. A.C. Klugkist (1982) Midden-Aramese Schriften in Syrie, Mesopotamie, Perzie en aangrenzende gebieden (nl)
  10. G. Ifrah (1982) Storia universale dei numeri (it)
  11. J. Naveh (1982) Early History of the Alphabet (en)
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  13. A.C. Klugkist (1986) 'The origin of the Mandaic Script' in Scripta signa vocis: studies about scripts, scriptures, scribes and languages in the Near East, presented to J.H. Hospers by pupils, colleagues and friends pp. 111-120 (en)
  14. B. Porten, A. Yardeni (1986-1999) Textbook of Aramaic Documents from ancient Egypt Vol. I-IV (en)
  15. J.A. Fitzmyer, D.J. Harrington (1994) A Manual of Palestinian Aramaic texts (en)
  16. P.O. Skjaervo (1995) 'Aramaic in Iran' in Aram Vol. 7 pp. 283-318 (en)
  17. G. Kara (1996) 'Aramaic Scripts for Altaic Languages' in The World's Writing Systems pp. 536-558 (en)
  18. P.O. Skjaervo (1996) 'Aramaic Scripts for Iranian Languages' in The World's Writing Systems pp. 515-535 (en)
  19. P.T. Daniels (1996) 'Aramaic Scripts for Aramaic Languages' in The World's Writing Systems pp. 499-514 (en)
  20. B. Porten, T. Muraoka (1998) A Grammar of Egyptian Aramaic (en)
  21. (2000) Hatra. Città  del Sole (it)
  22. Sh. Shaked (2000) 'Manichaean Incantation Bowls in Syriac' in Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam Vol. 24 (en)
  23. A. Yardeni (2002) The Book of Hebrew Script (en)
  24. M. Moriggi (2004) La lingua delle coppe magiche siriache (it)
  25. Ch.G. Haeberl (2006) 'Iranian Scripts for Aramaic Languages: the Origin of the Mandaic Script' in Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research Vol. 341 pp. 53-62 (en)
  26. G. Garbini (2006) Introduzione all'epigrafia semitica (it)
  27. R. Byrne (2006) "Asia, Ancient Southwest: Scripts, Middle Aramaic" in Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics Vol. I pp. 505-509 (en)
  28. P.T. Daniels (2007) 'Littera ex Occidente: Toward a Functional History of Writing' in Studies in Semitic and Afroasiatic Linguistics presented to Gene B. Gragg pp. 53-68 (en)
  29. B. Burtea (2008) 'Zur Entstehung der mandaeischen Schrift: iranischer oder aramaeischer Ursprung' in Und das Leben ist siegreich, And Life is Victorious pp. 47-62 (de)
  30. H. Gzella, M.L. Folmer (2008) Aramaic in Its Historical and Linguistic Setting (en)
  31. E. Morano (2009) 'L'uso della scrittura tra i popoli iranici: dal cuneiforme all'adattamento delle scritture semitiche' in La scrittura nel Vicino Oriente antico. Atti del Convegno Internazionale. Milano, 26 Gennaio 2008 pp. 117-134 (it)
  32. J.F. Healey (2009) Aramaic Inscriptions and Documents of the Roman Period (en)
  33. M. Moriggi (2014) A Corpus of Syriac Incantation Bowls (en)
  34. H. Gzella (2015) A Cultural History of Aramaic (en)
  35. P.T. Daniels (2018) An Exploration of Writing (en)
  36. J.N. Ford, M. Morgenstern (2019) Aramaic Incantation Bowls in Museum Collections. The Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection of Babylonian Antiquities, Jena (en)
  37. M. Moriggi, I. Bucci (2019) Aramaic Graffiti from Hatra (en)
  38. M.C.A. Macdonald (2021) A preliminary analysis of the Hawran Aramaic script in Eretz-Israel Ada Yardeni volume, Vol. 34 pp. 95-118 (en)