To be published by Walter de Gruyter:
M. Egetmeyer, Le Dialect Grec Ancien de Chypre, Tome 1: Grammaire; Tome 2: Répertoire des inscriptions en syllabaire chypro-grec, Berlin - New York 2009 (to be published in March 2010)
H.M. Cotton, L. Di Segni, W. Eck, B. Isaac, A. Kushnir-Stein, H. Misgav, J. Price, I. Roll, A. Yardeni (Eds.), Corpus InscriptionumIudaeae/Palestinae. A multi-lingual corpus of the inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad, Volume 1: Jerusalem, Berlin - New York 2010 (to be published May 2010; a volume on Caesarea will follow)
(Daniele Tripaldi)