Spiegazione lista dei segni
The Ugaritic alphabet consists of 30 cuneiform signs, eight more than the Phoenician alphabet. Five among these eight supplementary signs serve to reproduce graphically a phonetically richer (and archaic) consonantism of the Semitic languages in 1st millennium BC in the Syro-Palestinian area (Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew etc.). A further three signs, put on the end of the alphabet, have been added: the first two are different pronunciations of the same consonant alif /ˀ/, while the last grapheme may be an allophone of the letter /s/ used only in certain words. The most noteworthy peculiarity of the Ugaritic alphabet is the use of three different alif-signs: {} for /ˀa/; {} for /ˀi/, /ˀê/ or /V ˀ/; {} for /ˀu/ and /ˀô/. Here is the Ugaritic sign list with the usual transcription in Latin letters: