
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources


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    The New Documents in Mycenaean Greek, 2 vols., ed. by J. T. Killen, Cambridge, CUP, 2024, pp. xxviii (vol. 1) + xxvi (vol. 2) + 1145.

    In 1952 Michael Ventris deciphered the script found on the Linear B tablets from Crete and the Greek mainland, therefore revealing the earliest known form of Greek. In 1956 he and John Chadwick published Documents in Mycenaean Greek, which gave an account of the decipherment, of the language of the tablets, of the society and economy revealed by the documents and a series of chapters giving texts, translations and commentary of the most important tablets. Though partially updated in 1973, Documents is now very much outdated: there has been a vast accrual of bibliography on the subject since 1973, and discoveries of tablets at new sites. This new survey, written by fourteen of the world's leading experts, will bring the reader fully up-to-date with developments in all aspects of Mycenaean studies, concluding with a new, full glossary of all the most recently discovered words.
    (M. Del Freo)
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    On Thursday February 22nd, starting at 10 a.m., the Seminar "Confini, terre di frontiera, limiti nel mondo antico e tardoantico" will be held within the PhD in Studi Storici. Storia e civiltà del mondo antico e del Vicino Oriente (Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo. Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo. Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia) at the Sala Orbatello, via della Pergola 60 in Florence.

    The Seminar is organized by G.A. Cecconi, A. Magnelli and G. Torri.

    Poster with the seminar program
    More information
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    One State, Many Worlds: Crete in the Late Minoan II-IIIA2 Early Period, Proceedings of the International Conference held at Khania, Megalo Arsenali, 21st – 23rd November 2019 (SMEA NS Suppl. 2), ed. by A. L. D’Agata, L. Girella, E. Papadopoulou, D. G. Aquini, Roma, Edizioni Quasar, 2022, 452 pp. (ISBN: 978-88-5491-273-1).

    This volume contains the proceedings of an international conference held at Khania, November 2019. Its aim is to resume the discussion on LM II-IIIA2 early Crete, one of the most crucial periods in the history of the island, which marked its inclusion in the political and cultural orbit of mainland Greece. The contributions, which are organized on a geographical basis, begin with Knossos and central Crete, include western and eastern Crete, and end with a few mainland case studies. Two contributions are of particular interest to epigraphists: one on the Linear B from Knossos (J. Driessen - O. Mouthuy) and one on the beginning of Linear B administration in mainland Greece (V. Petrakis).
    (M.Del Freo)