Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean
A critical guide to electronic resources
Ancient Writing Systems
Writing Systems (A-Z)
Geographic Index
Place Index
Languages (A-Z)
Origins, materials and techniques
Writing Systems (A-Z)
/ Map of places
- end 1st century - 11th century AD
Map of places
Alexandria National Museum (Place held), 'Parchment with Coptic text, V-VI cent. A.D.; Alexandria National Museum' (image)
Alexandria National Museum (Place held), 'Wooden panel with Christ, the Lamb, and Coptic inscription; Alexandria, National Museum' (image)
Anba Antonios monastery (Provenance), 'Fresco paintings with greek and coptic inscriptions, 1232; Altar of the Four Livings, Church of Saint Anthony the Great, Coptic Hortodox Monastery of Saint Anthony, Arabic Desert (Egypt)' (image)
Cairo, Coptic museum (Place held), 'Arabic and Coptic Lectionary, parchment; Cairo, Coptic Museum' (image)
Cairo, The Egyptian museum (Place held), 'Letters of Saint Shenouda, parchment; Cairo, Egyptian Museum' (image)
Egypt (Place of origin)
Louvre Museum (Place held), 'Gospel of St. Luke, parchment; Paris, Louvre Museum' (image)
Museo Gregoriano Egizio (Place held), 'Coptic funerary stela; Vatican City, Museo Gregoriano Egizio' (image)
Museo Gregoriano Egizio (Place held), 'Coptic liturgical inscription, V-VI cent. A.D.; Vatican City, Museo Gregoriano Egizio' (image)
Valley of the Kings (Place found), 'Coptic graffito; Theban West Bank, Valley of the Kings, access corridor of the tomb of Ramesses IV (KV 2)' (image)
Valley of the Kings (Place found), 'Coptic graffito; Theban West Bank, Valley of the Kings, access corridor of the tomb of Ramesses IV (KV 2)' (image)
Wadi an-Natrun (Provenance), 'Coptic inscription; Church of the Virgin Mary, Coptic Hortodox Monastery of Deir el-Suriani, Wadi Natrun (Egypt)' (image)
Wadi an-Natrun (Provenance), 'Fresco painting of the Annunciation, VIII-IX cent.; Church of the Virgin Mary, Coptic Hortodox Monastery of Deir el-Suriani, Wadi Natrun (Egypt)' (image)