Funerary stele in Cursive Meroitic
Wos-i: Sorey-i: Wiritelito q-owi:
O Isi! O Osiri! Wiritelito this;
Pleqneye: tedxe-l-owi:
Of Baloqoneye the daughter is;
ssor: Mnp-se Trosetme: terike-l-owi
Of the scribe of Amanap Tarusetame the daughter is;
ant: Mnp-se: Mnotel: yetmde-l-owi
Of the priest of Amanap Manutela the niece is;
ant: Tni: ste-l-owi
Of the priest Tani the mother is;
senete: Mnp-se: Mskel: kdise-l-owi
Of the senete of Amanap Mashakela the sister is;
soni: Mni-se Meremtebolide: atos: Belimetye:
Of the soni of Amon Merematebolide atusha Belimetaye
the sister of them she is;
soni: Mni-se Belilidt: ste-l-owi
Of the soni of Amon Belilidata the mother she is;
sleqene: Mnp-se: Yiremene: sem-l-owi
Of the shalqun of Amanap Yiremene the bride she is;
ato mhe: pso-he-kete:
Abundant water let her drink;
at mhe psi-xr-kete:
Abundant bread let her eat;
x-mlo-l: p-hl-kete:
good meal let her be served;
x-lh-l: psi-tx-kete:
great meal let her be offered;
W[o]s-i Sorey-i
O Isi! O Osiri!
Wiritelito funerary stele, 3rd century B.C., from the necropolis of Karanog (AA.VV., Histoire et civilisations du Soudan, Soleb 2017, p. 367-69)