
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources


- end 3rd millennium BC-end 2nd millennium BC


  1. F. Imparati (1964) I Hurriti Firenze (ita)
  2. E. Laroche (1978) Glossaire de la langue Hourrite Paris (fra)
  3. G. Wilhelm (1982) Grundzüge der Geschichte und Kultur der Hurriter Darmstadt (ted)
  4. Autori vari (1984 sg.) Corpus der hurritischen Sprachdenkmäler Roma (ted)
  5. I Wegner (2000) Einführung in die hurritische Sprache Wiesbaden (ted)
  6. M. C. Trémouille (2000) La religione dei Hurriti PdP 50 pp. 114-170 (ita)
  7. M. Giorgieri (2000) Schizzo grammaticale della lingua hurrica PdP 50 pp. 171-277 (ita)
  8. M. Salvini (et al.) (2000) La civiltà dei Hurriti PdP 50 (Ita)
  9. S. de Martino (2000) Il regno hurrita di Mitanni: profilo storico politico PdP 50 pp. 68-102 (ita)
  10. S. de Martino - M. Giorgieri (2008) Literatur zum hurritischen Lexikon (Band 1/A) (Eothen) Firenze (ted)
  11. G. Wilhelm (2010) Remarks on the Hittite Cuneiform Script in I. Singer (Ed.), Ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis. Luwian and Hittite Studies Presented to J. David Hawkins on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday Tel Aviv: Emery and Claire Yass Publications in Archaeology (en)
  12. S. de Martino (2011) Hurrian Personal Names in the Kingdom of Hatti (Eothen) Firenze (ing)
  13. Z.S. Homan (2020) Mittani Paleography Leiden/Boston (en)