
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources


- 8th-6th century BC


  1. D. Pardee (1979) Literary Sources for the History of Palestine and Syria II: Hebrew, Moabite, Ammonite and Edomite Inscriptions in Andrews University Seminary Studies N. 17 pp. 47-70 (en)
  2. Felice Israel (1979) Miscellanea Idumea in Rivista Biblica N. 27 pp. 171-203 (it)
  3. N.D. Williams (1980) A Catalogue and Bibliography of Moabite, Ammonite and Edomite Inscriptions Dallas Theological Seminary (en)
  4. Y. Beit Arieh - B. Cresson (1985) An Edomite Ostrakon from Horvat 'Uza in Tel Aviv N. 12 pp. 96-101 (en)
  5. Felice Israel (1987) Supplementum Idumeum I in Rivista Biblica N. 35 pp. 343-346 (it)
  6. Piera Arata Mantovani (1996) Il santuario edomita di Ḥorvat Qitmit in Rivista Biblica N. 44 pp. 249-252 (it)
  7. Benjamin Sass (2005) The Alphabet at the Turn of the Millennium: The West Semitic Alphabet ca. 1150-850 BCE : the Antiquity of the Arabian, Greek and Phrygian Alphabets Tel Aviv (EN)
  8. V. Sasson (2006) An Edomite Joban Text with a Biblical Joban Parallel in Zeitschrift fuer die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft N. 117 pp. 601-615 (en)
  9. Kenton L. Sparks (2017) Ancient Texts for the Study of the Hebrew Bible Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, MI; "Other West Semitic Inscriptions": pp. 463-476 (EN)