
Les écritures anciennes de la Méditerranée

Guide critique des ressources électroniques


- 1er siècle ap. J.C. – aujourd’hui


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  55. J. B. Segal (2000) Catalogue of the Aramaic and Mandaic Incantation Bowls in the British Museum London, British Museum Press. (en)
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  62. W. Klein (2001) Syriac Writings and Turkic Language according to Central Asian Tombstone Inscriptions in Hugoye. Journal of Syriac Studies Vol. 5 N. 2 (EN)
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  73. G. Garbini (2006) Introduzione all'epigrafia semitica Brescia, Paideia Editrice (it)
  74. J. F. Healey (2006) A New Syriac Mosaic Inscription in Journal of Semitic studies Vol. 51 N. 2 pp. 313-327 (en)
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  81. S. P. Brock, N. Sims-Williams (2011) An early fragment from the East Syriac baptismal service from Turfan in Orientalia Christiana Periodica N. 77 pp. 81-92 (en)
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  88. N. Howe, A. Yang, M. Penn (2015) A Character Style Library for Syriac Manuscripts in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing pp. 123-128 (en)
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