
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources

Hieroglyphic Luwian

- 1300 B.C. - 600 B.C.

Online resources

Web sites of general interest

  1. Luwian (
    Page of general character with a brief description of the Luwian Hieroglyphic script.
  2. Annotated Corpus of Luwian Texts
    The site comprises the analysis the Iron Age Luwian texts.

Institutions, centers for study and research

  1. eDiAna
    The Digital Philological-Etymological Dictionary of the Minor Anatolian Corpus Languages.
    It provides the first exhaustive lexical analysis of the entire corpus of the lesser attested ancient Anatolian languages, i.e., Luwian (cuneiform and hieroglyphic), Lycian (A and B), Carian, Lydian, Palaic, Sidetic, and Pisidian.


  1. Hittites Monuments
    Catalogue of Hittite monuments in Anatolia (edited by Tayfun Bilgin)


  1. Luwisch-Hethitische Hieroglyphen Fonts
    Collection of the signs of the Luwian hieroglyphic script.


  1. Luwian Forum
    Luwian Forum is dedicated to the Luwian language and scripture. The first document is a list of monuments in hieroglyphic Luwian form the 2nd millennium B. C.. Edited by Annick Payne.
  2. A list of Iron Age Luwian inscriptions since CHLI
    Electronic updating of the corpus of the hieroglyphic Luwian inscriptions of the 1st millennium B.C., edited by S. Zsolt (D. Hawkins, CHLI, 2000).