
Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean

A critical guide to electronic resources

Hieroglyphic Luwian

- 1300 B.C. - 600 B.C.

Examples of writing

Seal of the king Muwatalli II and Queen Tanuhepa (13th century BC)

Seal of the king Muwatalli II and Queen Tanuhepa (13th century BC)
Source: Herbordt S. − Bawanypeck D. − Hawkins J.D., Die Siegel der Grosskönige und Grossköniginnen auf Tonbullen aus dem Nişantepe-Archiv in Hattusa , (BoHa 23) Darmstadt-Mainz 2011

The mould seals of the Hittite rulers, which were sometimes on seals associated with their wives, were digraphs. The outer rings bore, in cuneiform writing and in Hittite language, the names and titles of the owners of the seals and in some cases the names of the patron gods, while the central field bore the names in hieroglyphic signs. A collection of Hittite royal seals is in Herbordt S. − Bawanypeck D. − Hawkins J.D., Die Siegel der Grosskönige und Grossköniginnen auf Tonbullen aus dem Nişantepe-Archiv in Hattusa.

A reading of the hieroglyphic part is provided in this example:


MAGNUS.REX BOS2. Mi-tà-li ta-nu-ha-pa MAGNUS.DOMINA




Great King, Muwatalli. Great Queen Danuhepa.


Source: A. Payne, Hieroglyphic Luwian. An Introduction with Original Texts. Wiesbaden 2010.

This stele inscription comes from the kingdom of Hama (the biblical Hamat) and belongs to King Urhilina who reigned between 860 and 840 BC (approximately). The text follows a pattern found in other inscriptions by giving the name of the ruler, his genealogy and building activity. A detailed analysis of the grammar can be found in A. Payne, Hieroglyphic Luwian. An Introduction with Original Texts. Wiesbaden 2010.

§1   EGO-mi u+ra/i-hi-li-na PRAE-tá-sa x (INFANS)ni-mu-wa/i-za-sa i-ma tú-wa/i-ni (REGIO) REX

§2   a-wa/i  II za-na “URBS+MI”-ni-i-na EGO AEDIFICARE+MI-ha

§3   za-pa-wa/i (STELE)wa/i-ni-za (DEUS)pa-ha-la-tiya CRUS-nu-ha


I am Urhilina, son of Paritas, King of Hama.
I built this city
And I erected this stele for Ba‘alat